Concept of Predetermination in Quran

A View Point

By Arshad A Javed

Why do we say that everything is ordained by Allah and then why do we blame men or women for their wrongdoings? We often face this dilemma. We are often told that everything good or bad is predetermined and beyond the control of mankind. One can ask the question that if someone is bound to become bad by destiny then why is he held accountable for his/her deeds.

Let’s try to find answer to this situation in the light of the holy Quran. A close study of the holy Quran will clear the ambiguity regarding this misconception.

Allah does not command bad things

Whenever they commit an indecent act, they say, ‘We found our fathers doing it and Allah commanded us to do it too.’ Say:

“Allah does not command indecency. Do you say things about Allah you do not know? (7:28)”

In the above ayaat the Quran makes it clear that Allah does not order bad things. If anyone says Allah commands to do bad things as well, he should have fear of Allah and correct his belief.

In addition to this ayaat please consider the following points.

Misfortunes are the result of one’s past deeds

Allah says in Surah Al-Shura

“Whatever misfortune happens to you, is because on the things your hands have wrought, and for many (of them) He grants forgiveness. (42:30)”

The above ayaat clearly lays down that whatever misfortune we face in our life is the product of our past deeds. We are ourselves responsible for our misfortunes.

All goods things are attributed to Allah but not the bad things

A careful study of the Quran also reveals that all good things are from Allah but bad things are not attributed to Allah. Consider following ayaat:

“And when I am ill, it is He Who cures me (26:80)”

In the above ayaat it is not said that Allah makes me fall ill and He also cures me it. Rather it is said that when I fall ill, He cures me. I may fall ill because of so many reasons, e.g., some of my mistakes, not taking proper care, etc.. but the cure must follow from Allah only.

Take another example. You would have heard the famous story of the prophet Musa (as) and one servant of Allah whom scholars say was Hazrat Khizr (AS). The Prophet Moses (AS) accompanied him and three incidents took place one after another. On one occasion Hazrat Khizr (as) says:

“… I wanted to damage it because a king was coming behind them, commandeering every boat”(18:79).

In this very ayaat damaging the boat is being attributed to Hazrat Khizr (as). Consider another ayaat in the same story,

“…and your Lord wanted them to come of age and then to unearth their treasure as a mercy”.”

In this ayaat digging of treasure is being attributed to Allah and not to Hazrat khizr (as)

Then why we say that Allah does everything? The following ayaat holds the answer:

 “No misfortune occurs except by Allah’s permission. Whoever believes in Allah–He will guide his heart. Allah has knowledge of all things”. (64:11)

In the above ayaat I have underlined the word permission. The Arabic word used in this ayaat is Izn which means permission. What is permission and why it should be granted? Suppose you are the head and guardian of a big house. A member of your house has committed a crime against another member. The police come and seek your permission to punish the culprit. The police cannot approach the culprit without your permission. You know he has committed the crime. What you will do? If you want the rule of the law to prevail you will definitely allow the police to take custody of the culprit. It is a general rule of the sharia that punishing the criminal is in fact providing justice to the victim. This is what we call izn or permission.

In view of the above it is wrong to suggest that we are not to be blamed if Allah does everything.

(Note: All our articles are expressions of opinion based on ayaats of the holy Quran and authentic Hadiths. We produce ayaats and Hadiths in support of our opinion. We are not in the business of providing any fatwa or ruling). Viewers comments are most welcome

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