Love for Allah
Say: “My prayer and my rites, my living and my dying are for God alone, the Lord of all the worlds” (Qur’an, 6:162)
Some people set up equals to God, loving them as they should love God. But those who believe have greater love for God. If only you could see those who do wrong at the time when they see the punishment, and that truly all strength belongs to God and that God is severe in punishment. (Qur’an: 2:165)
- The believers are those whose hearts tremble when Allah is mentioned, whose faith is increased when His Signs are recited to them, and who put their trust in their Lord. (Quran: 8:2)
- So have fear of Allah, as much as you are able to, and listen and obey and spend for your own benefit. It is the people who are safe-guarded from the avarice of their own selves who are successful.(Quran, 64:16)
- You who believe! Have fear of Allah the way He should be feared and do not die except as Muslims.(Quran: 3:102)
- Turn back in repentance to Him, and fear Him: perform regular prayers, and do not be of those who ascribe partners to God.(Qur’an: 30:31)
- You can only warn those who act on the Reminder (the Qur’an) and fear the All-Merciful in the Unseen. Give them the good news of forgiveness and a generous reward. (Qur’an, 36:11)
- You who believe! Fear Allah and keep your duty to Him. And let every person look to what he has sent forth for the morrow, and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is All-Aware of what you do. (Al-Hashr 59: 18)