Islamic Quiz Contests
conducting for over 10 years now
The Institute for Studies of the Quran (IFSQ) has been conducting Islamic quiz competitions for children for over last 10 years. Children of all ages participate in the quiz. The winners are given attractive prizes and certificates. The event is also combined with social activities & fun for families & children. It is a verbal as well as written contest.
The quiz is divided in 3 groups based on the grade of the children:
- Group A- Children Grade 9 to 12
- Group B– Children Grade 5 to 8
- Group C- Children Grade 1 to 4
Quiz rules and questions
- The children of each group are provided with the quiz syllabus 1-2 months ahead of the quiz so that they have ample time to study. The syllabus is kept easy for children and each group is given a very limited subject so that children could prepare well.
- For group C, only simple questions are asked. These questions with answers are provided in advance.
- Questions are divided in 2 sections. Section A is MCQ type while Section B is a written test.
- In case of a tie in winner is decided a live verbal contest.
There are 3 prizes (1st, 2nd and 3rd) in group A and B. Two separate section of boys and girls undertake quiz program under each group thus resulting in 18 winners, nine in each section.
Prizes include
- Medal
- Certificate
- Gift item
Under group C which is for small children, gifts are given to each participant
We recently completed our first online Islamic Quiz Competition. The response we received for the same was overwhelming. Such competitions are a stepping stone and each experience helps you to learn. We look forward to organizing many more such competitions.
The following participants were the winners
First Place Winner
Abdullah Andrabi
Second Place Winner
Rubel Miah
Third Place Winner
Aleena Khan
Looking for Answers from the Quran?
Our Answer from Quran series helps you in finding answers to the most common and important questions directly from the Quran. The answers are a verbatim copy of Quranic ayaats without any comment from our side. This way these are the most authentic answers to the questions. Visit our page to find answers from the Quran. Click here to visit the page: